What's an idiomatic way of treating a bytestring nibblewise and pretty printing its hexadecimal (0-F) representation?
putStrLn . show . B.unpack
-- [1,126]
Which, upon further work
putStrLn . show . map (\x -> N.showIntAtBase 16 (DC.intToDigit) x "") . B.unpack
But what I really want is
Or better yet
I could munge up ["1","7e"] but that string manipulation whereas I'd rather do numeric manipulation. Do I need to drop down to shifting and masking numeric values?
I'd like to elaborate on max taldykin's answer (that I have upvoted), which I think is over-complicated. There is no need for NoMonomorphismRestriction
, printf
or Data.List
Here is my version:
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Numeric (showHex)
prettyPrint :: B.ByteString -> String
prettyPrint = concat . map (flip showHex "") . B.unpack
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn . prettyPrint . B.pack $ [102, 117, 110]