What has to be done to have News in another language than the default language available. I already have:
In my default language everything is working. But for the new language I only see empty News on the page with a [more] link which gives me no news_id given
when clicked. Do I have to create a page translation for the folder in which the news are stored? Up to now I only can set the language for each news entry.
I created a translation for my folder, which stores the news. Now it seems to work. But how can I remove the [more] link if there is no translation?
This is in the HTML code
<div class="news-latest-container">
<div class="news-latest-item">
<div class="news-item-left"><a title="" href="xxx/news/news-detail.html"></a></div>
<div class="news-item-right">
<h3><a title="" href="xxx/news/news-detail.html"></a></h3>
<p></p><hr class="clearer">
<div class="news-latest-morelink"><a title="" href="xxx/news/news-detail.html">[more]</a></div>
<div class="news-latest-item">
<div class="news-item-left"><a title="" href="xxx/news/news-detail.html"></a></div>
<div class="news-item-right">
<h3><a title="" href="xxx/news/news-detail.html"></a></h3>
<p></p><hr class="clearer">
<div class="news-latest-morelink"><a title="" href="xxx/news/news-detail.html">[more]</a></div>
I also used
plugin.tt_news.displayList.subheader_stdWrap.append >
to supress the second more link. But why are there empty news displayed?
I created a translation for my folder, which stores the news. Now it seems to work. For the other question: I added the following lines of code:
plugin.tt_news.showNewsWithoutDefaultTranslation = 0
plugin.tt_news.sys_language_mode = strict
Now no news in this list.
is displayed.