What I'm trying to do is to have horizontal ViewFlipper and Listview, both with custom ArrayAdapters, inside LinearLayout which would be vertically scrollable on whole screen.
1) Tried adding ViewFlipper as a ListView header but then I can't use GestureListener since ArrayAdapter takes control over it like it's ListView item.
2) Tried putting them together inside LinearLayout but ViewFlipper's position is fixed and ListView is scrollable inside rest of the screen.
3) Trying with MergeAdapter but it can't handle swipe gesture on it's first element (ViewFlipper), it always returns ViewFlipper's item position.
Here's the picture to clarify what I'm trying to make. Top Stories is ViewFlipper and Latest Posts is ListView. And they both scroll vertically. Ignore bottom tabs and ActionBar as they are static (nonscrollable).
You've got your work cut out for you.
Here are two approaches:
1) Set the view flipper as the first row in the List view. Its a special case. Not as a header, but as a regular row.
2) Use a scroll view, and do not use the list view at all. You may have performance problems if your data for the list view is a large number of items.