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Retrieve an Objects Parent Container Object in WPF

I have nested ObsevableCollections as seen below. For simplistic reason this is sample code of what I am trying to accomplish.

Sample application the contains a ObservableCollection Team

    class MyApplication2
        ObservableCollection<Team> _Teams = new ObservableCollection<Team>();
        public MyApplication2()
            _Teams.Add(new Team("Team1"));
            _Teams.Add(new Team("Team2"));
            _Teams.Add(new Team("Team3"));

            foreach (Team t in _Teams)
                t.Territories.Add(new Territory("Territory1"));
                t.Territories.Add(new Territory("Territory2"));
                t.Territories.Add(new Territory("Territory3"));

Team object that contains an ObservableCollection Territory object

    class Team
        private string _TeamName = "";
        private int _TeamProperty1 = 0;
        ObservableCollection<Territory> _Territories = new ObservableCollection<Territory>();

        public Team(string tName)
            this.TeamName = tName;

        public ObservableCollection<Territory> Territories
            get { return _Territories; }
            set { _Territories = value; }

        public string TeamName
            get { return _TeamName; }
            set { _TeamName = value; }

        public int TeamProperty1
            get { return _TeamProperty1; }
            set { _TeamProperty1 = value; }


Territory object

    class Territory
        private string _TerritoryName = "";

        public Territory(string tName)
            this.TerritoryName = tName;

        public string TerritoryName
            get { return _TerritoryName; }
            set { _TerritoryName = value; }

        public void Method1()
            //Do Some Work

Just for this example I assigned t a value but in my real code I have the object t from some other means. t is an object type of territory in an ObservableCollection of Territories inside and object of a Team.

        public void SomeWork()
            Territory t = _Teams[1].Territories[0];

I am removing a territory from 1 team and adding it to another team. Something like the following. How I get what Team object the territory belongs to?

        public void SomeMoreWork(Territory t)
            Team _Team = ( Parent of t? );


  • Thank you for the info Vincent Piel.

    Thank you for the idea Saad Imran.

    I changed the following and added an AssociatedTeam to my territory object and set it in the consructor. So far it seems to do what Im looking for.

        class Territory
            private string _TerritoryName = "";
            Team _AssociatedTeam = null;
            public Territory(string tName, Team team)
                this.TerritoryName = tName;
                this.AssociatedTeam = team;
            public Team AssociatedTeam
                get { return _AssociatedTeam; }
                set { _AssociatedTeam = value; }
            public string TerritoryName
                get { return _TerritoryName; }
                set { _TerritoryName = value; }
            public void Method1()
                //Do Some Work

    And then change the initiation of territory in the constructor of MyApplication

            t.Territories.Add(new Territory("Territory1", t));
            t.Territories.Add(new Territory("Territory2", t));
            t.Territories.Add(new Territory("Territory3", t));