When you have a filesystem path, you can have a ".." removed (and the previous path component removed as well) by using the stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath
selector. How can I achieve the same thing for a URL? For example I start out with, say:
Which I need converted to:
For a URL use the NSURL method:
- (NSURL *)standardizedURL
Returns a new URL that points to the same resource as the original URL and is an absolute path.
NSString *s = @"www.example.com/themes/themeA/../common/assetA.png";
NSURL *u = [NSURL URLWithString:s];
NSURL *su = [u standardizedURL];
NSLog(@"su: %@", su);
NSLog output:
su: www.example.com/themes/common/assetA.png