The java web app I'm developing allows users to upload files (pictures and documents) to their profiles and define access rules for those files (define which of the other users are able to view / download the file). The access control / permission system is custom made and rules are stored in mongoDB alongside the user's profile and the actual file entry.
Knowing that I need the application and storage to be distributed and fault-tolerant I need to figure out which is the best strategy for file storage.
Should I store the files inside mongoDB in the files collection where the file document containing description and access rules are located ?
Or should I store the files inside the server's file system and keep the path in the mongoDB document? With the filesystem approach will I still be able to enforce the user defined access permissions and how? Finally in the filesystem approach how do I distribute files accross servers? Should I use dedicated servers for this or can I store the files on the webapp servers or mongodb servers ?
Thanks a lot for all your insights! Any help or feedback appreciated.
There are several alternatives:
In your case it sounds like last option may be best, there are quite a few users who switched from FS to gridFS and it worked very well for them. Things to keep in mind: