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Ext.grid.Panel get selected record from tbar button

I created a View extend Ext.grid.Panel and also attach a tbar to it, in the toolbar I got 2 buttons [Add] and [Remove] in this question I am focus on the [Remove] command only.

As usual I want to get hold to current selected record in the grid which I want to delete.

so in the controller:

init: function() {
   'extendgridlist button[action=remove]': {
      click: this.removeCurrentRow;

removeCurrentRow: function(t){
 // how do i get current selected record


  • removeCurrentRow: function(t){
     var grid = t.up('gridpanel');
     var arraySelected =grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
     //assuming you have a single select, you have the record at index 0;
     var record = arraySelected[0]