I have stocked in this error many times but know I have no way to avoid and I have to get rid of it.
Sometimes I do run a query in SQL Navigator 6.1 XPert Edition
and it throws:
ORA-01843: Not a valid month
But if I run this same query in same database but in other application(ie Aqua Data Studio
) it works fine. It's just in isolated cases.
It may be some config problem?
EDIT: This query has that problem:
quantity dias_a_vencer
, estab
, initcap (planejador) planejador
, atributo2 fabrica
, mrp.item montagem
, initcap (descricao) des_montagem
, mrp.nro_docmto num_of
, initcap (mrp.fornecedor) cliente
, mrp.project_number projeto
, initcap (comprador) processista
, trunc (mrp.data_inicio) data_inicio
from etlt_mrp_exceptions mrp
mrp.compile_designator = 'ENGI'
and mrp.dt_coleta > sysdate - 50
and estab = '179' -- PARAMETRO ESTAB FILTRO
and atributo2 = '11' -- PARAMETRO FABRICA FILTRO
and nvl (mrp.quantity, 0) > 0
and dt_coleta = '05/12/2011' -- parametro do grafico acima
and initcap (planejador) = 'Maria Cristina Da Cruz Costa' -- parametro do grafico acima
order by quantity
, des_montagem
To make your query fail-safe in all environments, you have to change this line:
and dt_coleta = '05/12/2011'
and dt_coleta = to_date('05/12/2011', 'DD/MM/YYYY')
Assuming that you meant December 5th, and not May, 12th.
Btw: what datatype are the columns estab
and atributo2
. If those are numbers you should remove the single quotes around the parameters. That is another "implicit" data conversion that would e.g. prevent the usage of an index on those columns.