I have a problem that's equal to the one presented here: how to define an inverse cascade delete on a many-to-one mapping in hibernate
After searching for a while I can't find a decent/clean solution for this. I can't have the parent entity have an @OneToMany to the child, because they are at different modules. I wanted to try the EntityListener that would delete the children before the parent is, but I can't because, again, they are at different modules.
Does anyone know a clean solution to this? I am thinking about to use AspectJ to listen to the call of the delete method from the ParentDao, but this is not a clean solution and I will have to implement one for each entity that have this kind of relation to the Parent class.
This kind of cascade seems to be a basic feature and I am kind dissapointed in seeing that hibernate does not support it :/
Based on JB Nizet answer I changed my DAO to have a DeleteOperationListener (My base DAO implementation is based on "Don't Repeat the DAO"[1].) In this way I have a generic solution in case I find myself in the same situation again. The structure looks like this:
public interface GenericDao<T, PK extends Serializable> {
// CRUD methods
// delete operation listeners.
void addDeleteListener(DeleteOperationListener<T, PK> deleteOperationListener);
public interface DeleteOperationListener<T> {
void preDelete(T entity);
void posDelete(T entity);
And my abstract hibernate implementation I can notify the observers about the delete.
public void delete(T entityToDelete) {
And now I have a different class that handles the deletion of the children without needing to change the DAOs:
public class ParentModificationListener
implements GenericDao.DeleteOperationListener<Parent> {
private ChildDao childDao;
public ParentModificationListener(ChildDao childDao, ParentDao parentDao) {
this.childDao = childDao;
public void preDelete(Parent parent) {
public void posDelete(Parent parent) {
[1] http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-genericdao.html