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chomsky hierarchy in plain english

I'm trying to find a plain (i.e. non-formal) explanation of the 4 levels of formal grammars (unrestricted, context-sensitive, context-free, regular) as set out by Chomsky.

It's been an age since I studied formal grammars, and the various definitions are now confusing for me to visualize. To be clear, I'm not looking for the formal definitions you'll find everywhere (e.g. here and here -- I can google as well as anyone else), or really even formal definitions of any sort. Instead, what I was hoping to find was clean and simple explanations that don't sacrifice clarity for the sake of completeness.


  • Maybe you get a better understanding if you remember the automata generating these languages.

    Regular languages are generated by regular automata. They have only have a finit knowledge of the past (their compute memory has limits) so everytime you have a language with suffixes depending on prefixes (palindrome language) this can not be done with regular languages.

    Context-free languages are generated by nondeterministic pushdown automata. They have a kind of knowledge of the past (the stack, which is not limited in contrast to regular automata) but a stack can only be viewed from top so you don't have complete knowledge of the past.

    Context-sensitive languages are generated by linear-bound non-deterministic turing machines. They know the past and can deal with different contexts because they are non-deterministic and can access all the past at every time.

    Unrestricted languages are generated by Turing machines. According to the Church-Turing-Thesis turing machines are able to calculate everything you can imagine (which means everything decidable).