i have defined a grammar with many rules, that uses many keywords. imagine it like this (just with more of these rules and more keywords):
<keyword> ::= 'public' | 'protected' | 'private'
the gold-parser-system is generating a compiled grammar table (CGT) file, which is used by the several engines, in my case the calitha-engine for c#.
in order to realize some syntax-highlighting for my sourcecode which i want to parse, i want to get all the keywords of a range of rules. how do i extract them?
Apart from generating "cgt" output file, Gold Builder has also XML output capability.
If you feel comfortable with XML processing, I suggest you to extract the keywords using XML as one possible solution (See documentation).
Here is a sample grammar XML file :
<?GOLDParserTables version="1.0"?>
<Parameter Name="Name" Value="(Untitled)"/>
<Parameter Name="Author" Value="(Unknown)"/>
<Parameter Name="Version" Value="(Not Specified)"/>
<Parameter Name="About" Value=""/>
<Parameter Name="Case Sensitive" Value="True"/>
<Parameter Name="Start Symbol" Value="8"/>
<SymbolTable Count="12">
<Symbol Index="0" Name="EOF" Kind="3"/>
<Symbol Index="1" Name="Error" Kind="7"/>
<Symbol Index="2" Name="Whitespace" Kind="2"/>
<Symbol Index="3" Name="Comment End" Kind="5"/>
<Symbol Index="4" Name="Comment Line" Kind="6"/>
<Symbol Index="5" Name="Comment Start" Kind="4"/>
<Symbol Index="6" Name="Number" Kind="1"/>
<Symbol Index="7" Name="Word" Kind="1"/>
<Symbol Index="8" Name="Main" Kind="0"/>
<Symbol Index="9" Name="Number" Kind="0"/>
<Symbol Index="10" Name="Value" Kind="0"/>
<Symbol Index="11" Name="Word" Kind="0"/>
<RuleTable Count="6">
<Rule Index="0" NonTerminalIndex="9" SymbolCount="1">
<RuleSymbol SymbolIndex="6"/>
<Rule Index="1" NonTerminalIndex="11" SymbolCount="1">
<RuleSymbol SymbolIndex="7"/>
<Rule Index="2" NonTerminalIndex="8" SymbolCount="2">
<RuleSymbol SymbolIndex="10"/>
<RuleSymbol SymbolIndex="8"/>
<Rule Index="3" NonTerminalIndex="8" SymbolCount="1">
<RuleSymbol SymbolIndex="10"/>
<Rule Index="4" NonTerminalIndex="10" SymbolCount="1">
<RuleSymbol SymbolIndex="11"/>
<Rule Index="5" NonTerminalIndex="10" SymbolCount="1">
<RuleSymbol SymbolIndex="9"/>
<CharSetTable Count="6">
<CharSet Index="0" Count="7">
<Char UnicodeIndex="9"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="10"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="11"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="12"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="13"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="32"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="160"/>
<CharSet Index="1" Count="1">
<Char UnicodeIndex="42"/>
<CharSet Index="2" Count="1">
<Char UnicodeIndex="59"/>
<CharSet Index="3" Count="1">
<Char UnicodeIndex="47"/>
<CharSet Index="4" Count="10">
<Char UnicodeIndex="48"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="49"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="50"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="51"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="52"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="53"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="54"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="55"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="56"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="57"/>
<CharSet Index="5" Count="52">
<Char UnicodeIndex="65"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="66"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="67"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="68"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="69"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="70"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="71"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="72"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="73"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="74"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="75"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="76"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="77"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="78"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="79"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="80"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="81"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="82"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="83"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="84"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="85"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="86"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="87"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="88"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="89"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="90"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="97"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="98"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="99"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="100"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="101"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="102"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="103"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="104"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="105"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="106"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="107"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="108"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="109"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="110"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="111"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="112"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="113"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="114"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="115"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="116"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="117"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="118"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="119"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="120"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="121"/>
<Char UnicodeIndex="122"/>
<DFATable Count="11" InitialState="0">
<DFAState Index="0" EdgeCount="6" AcceptSymbol="-1">
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="0" Target="1"/>
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="1" Target="2"/>
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="2" Target="4"/>
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="3" Target="5"/>
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="4" Target="7"/>
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="5" Target="8"/>
<DFAState Index="1" EdgeCount="1" AcceptSymbol="2">
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="0" Target="1"/>
<DFAState Index="2" EdgeCount="1" AcceptSymbol="-1">
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="3" Target="3"/>
<DFAState Index="3" EdgeCount="0" AcceptSymbol="3">
<DFAState Index="4" EdgeCount="0" AcceptSymbol="4">
<DFAState Index="5" EdgeCount="1" AcceptSymbol="-1">
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="1" Target="6"/>
<DFAState Index="6" EdgeCount="0" AcceptSymbol="5">
<DFAState Index="7" EdgeCount="1" AcceptSymbol="6">
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="4" Target="7"/>
<DFAState Index="8" EdgeCount="2" AcceptSymbol="-1">
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="5" Target="9"/>
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="4" Target="10"/>
<DFAState Index="9" EdgeCount="2" AcceptSymbol="7">
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="5" Target="9"/>
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="4" Target="10"/>
<DFAState Index="10" EdgeCount="2" AcceptSymbol="7">
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="5" Target="9"/>
<DFAEdge CharSetIndex="4" Target="10"/>
<LALRTable Count="8" InitialState="0">
<LALRState Index="0" ActionCount="6">
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="6" Action="1" Value="1"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="7" Action="1" Value="2"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="8" Action="3" Value="3"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="9" Action="3" Value="4"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="10" Action="3" Value="5"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="11" Action="3" Value="6"/>
<LALRState Index="1" ActionCount="3">
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="0" Action="2" Value="0"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="6" Action="2" Value="0"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="7" Action="2" Value="0"/>
<LALRState Index="2" ActionCount="3">
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="0" Action="2" Value="1"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="6" Action="2" Value="1"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="7" Action="2" Value="1"/>
<LALRState Index="3" ActionCount="1">
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="0" Action="4" Value="0"/>
<LALRState Index="4" ActionCount="3">
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="0" Action="2" Value="5"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="6" Action="2" Value="5"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="7" Action="2" Value="5"/>
<LALRState Index="5" ActionCount="7">
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="6" Action="1" Value="1"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="7" Action="1" Value="2"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="8" Action="3" Value="7"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="9" Action="3" Value="4"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="10" Action="3" Value="5"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="11" Action="3" Value="6"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="0" Action="2" Value="3"/>
<LALRState Index="6" ActionCount="3">
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="0" Action="2" Value="4"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="6" Action="2" Value="4"/>
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="7" Action="2" Value="4"/>
<LALRState Index="7" ActionCount="1">
<LALRAction SymbolIndex="0" Action="2" Value="2"/>
XML as human readable format is self explanatory, you have access to all tables : Symbol, Rule, DFA and LALR and that's it.
Of course, cooking a "pgt" file (program template) is the usual way to process "cgt" or even write some extract utility for the purpose on top of a Gold Engine.