I'm using Hector to interact with a cassandra database from a java application. (Hector 1.0-1)
In this example, it shows how to insert (or update) a field.
mutator.addInsertion("650222", "Npanxx", HFactory.createStringColumn("state", "CA"));
MutationResult mr = mutator.execute();
However, there is not much information on the outcome of the operation. How can we verify if the operation was successful or not? The return value is a ResultStatus implementation and the 3 methods that can be called are:
Can I assume that if there were no exceptions calling the execute() method, that the operation succeeded?
It looks like the execute method doesn't declare any exceptions thrown because it will throw instances of HectorException which is a RuntimeException.
So yes, if no exceptions are thrown, the insert succeeded. Otherwise you will get an instance of HectorException thrown (likely HTimedOutException/HUnavailableException for problems on the Cassandra side and something else for something on the Hector side).