When passing a RouteValueDicitonary
or anonymous object into a @Url.Action method (or any of its analogs), is there a way to properly pass in a collection object or IEnumerable
so that it would generate a url that would be compatible with the default model binder?
For example, say I have an action like this:
public ActionResult Index(ICollection<int> ids)
...do something
and in my template I do something like this:
@Url.Action("Index", routeValues:new int[]{1,2,3})
the goal is to have a url output like this:
... /index?ids=1&ids=2&ids=3
but the url output is actually something like this:
... /index?ids=System.Int[]
I'm assuming there is no support for this currently. If not, then at what part in MVC do I need to create a custom handler or whatever to override this default functionality?
Unfortunately currently there is no existing helper that will allow you to generate such url. So one possibility is to do it manually:
@(Url.Action("Index") + "?" + string.Join("&", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }.Select(x => "ids=" + x)))
or write an extension method to encapsulate the logic:
@Url.ActionWithIds("Index", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 })
Since those are integers we don't need url encoding but if you want to do the same thing with a collection of strings the values should be properly url encoded.