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Maven 2 Weblogic.xml replacement

I am having a problem about placing weblogic.xml under WEB-INF folder after mvn install. My weblogic.xml file is under src/main/resources/weblogic.xml and I want it to be placed under WEB-INF after install.(packaging is "war" by the way)

I tried this:


It is working with install but when I want a classpath using eclipse:eclipse, It gives the error :

Description Resource Path Location Type Cannot nest output folder 'ResponseManager/target/WEB-INF/resources' inside output folder 'ResponseManager/target/WEB-INF' ResponseManager Build path Build Path Problem

because of this conf in classpath:

  <classpathentry kind="src" path="src/main/resources" output="target/WEB-INF/resources" excluding="web.xml|weblogic.xml|**/*.java"/>
  <classpathentry kind="src" path="src/main/resources/config" output="target/WEB-INF" including="weblogic.xml" excluding="**/*.java"/>

Any ideas?


  • Normally files under src/main/resources get packaged along the compiled class files, in a webapp they would be placed in WEB-INF/classes. Is there any reason why you can't put these under the standard path src/main/webapp?

    If you need to package additional files which are not in the src/main/webapp folder then it would be better to configure these resources in the war plugin like this:


    It should be possible to specify the targetPath as above but I think it would be cleaner to reproduce the wanted directory structure inside your source folder.