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Range Slider or Multi Thumb Slider for SWING

I need a Multi Thumb Slider for Java. I would need a MultiThumb that can represent a range (so with 2 thumbs) but until now, I can't find any starting point. It must be:

  1. consistent with the Nimbus look & Feel
  2. usable (pluggable) in Netbeans

Until now I have read all the questions about it but I found that they all refer about JXMultiThumbSlider (the web site is down and I can't find a source code for this!) or about RangeSlider Jade commons Layer (I don't want to pay for use only 1 component).

Can you help me? all the Sun pages are down since the Oracle acquisition.


  • In the end I used this component, called RangeSlider : does all I needed. However it is not very customizable in Look&Feel, but maybe this is my fault (I should study more this argoument).