I would like to somehow instrument a mako.lookup.TemplateLookup
such that it applies certain preprocessors only for certain file extensions.
Specifically, I have a haml.preprocessor
that I would like to apply to all templates whose file name ends with .haml
You should be able to customize TemplateLookup to get the behavior you want.
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
import haml
class Lookup(TemplateLookup):
def get_template(self, uri):
if uri.rsplit('.')[1] == 'haml':
# change preprocessor used for this template
default = self.template_args['preprocessor']
self.template_args['preprocessor'] = haml.preprocessor
template = super(Lookup, self).get_template(uri)
# change it back
self.template_args['preprocessor'] = default
template = super(Lookup, self).get_template(uri)
return template
lookup = Lookup(['.'])
print lookup.get_template('index.haml').render()
<%inherit file="base.html"/>
<%block name="content">
%h1 Hello
<%block name="content"/>