I have been looking into CruiseControl configuration recently (I'm a complete CC noob) and so far I understand that various XML reports generated by your build process (eg mbunit.xml, ncover.xml, fxcop.xml) can be shown in the dashboard by adding a reference to the xml to the following part of the ccnet.config:
adding an xsl file to transform the xml into presentable html and adding a report build plugin to dashboard.config which references the xsl:
<xslReportBuildPlugin description="Some report"
actionName="SomeReportAction" xslFileName="xsl\some-report.xsl" />
My question is: if I have some reports (code documentation generated by JGregory's Docu and test specs generated by jpboodhoo's Bdddoc) which are pure HTML, is there any way I can show these in the dashboard in a similar way? I can't figure this out. I did think of adding an ExternalLink directly to the HTML page, but this is in a protected area which users normally cant access. Anyone any ideas?
Currently this is not possible in CruiseControl.NET up to version 1.4.4. However this functionality is being added as part of version 1.5.0.
We can't give you a timeframe on the release yet, but you can download and try out the latest version from http://ccnetlive.thoughtworks.com/CCNet-builds/1.5.0/.