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Newline in 8086 assembly language: my text prints stair-stepped

I'm getting stair-step output like this enter image description here

My program works correctly, except that when I print a new line, and then print something in the current line, it shows on the next line but with some space before it.

The program is this: (print a table of multiple numbers from 0 to 9):

data_seg segment
    I DB 0D
    J DB 0D
    R DB ?
    DIVER DB 10D
    data_seg ends

stack_seg segment
    stack_seg ends

code_seg segment
    MAIN proc far
        assume cs:code_seg, ds:data_seg, ss:stack_seg
        MOV AX,data_seg
        MOV DS,AX

            MOV J,0D
            MOV AX,0H
            MOV AL,I
            MUL J
            DIV DIVER 
            MOV R,AH
            ADD AL,48D
            MOV AH,0EH
            INT 10H
            MOV AL,R
            ADD AX,48D
            MOV AH,0EH
            INT 10H

            MOV AX,32D
            MOV AH,0EH
            INT 10H
            INC J 
            MOV AX,0
            MOV AL,J
            SUB AX,10D
            JNZ FOR2
         INC I
         MOV AX,10D
         MOV AH,0EH
         INT 10H
         MOV AX,0
         MOV AL,I
         SUB AX,10D
         JNZ FOR1

        MOV AX,4CH
        INT 21H
        MAIN endp
    code_seg ends
end MAIN


  • You need to print new line and carriage return.