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Zend_Form Placeholder Translation

I have a Zend application with a Zend_Form, which should use the HTML5 placeholder attribute instead of labels, like done here.

class Application_Form_Usereditprofile extends Zend_Form
     public function init()
         $this->addElement('text', 'FirstName', array(
            'filters'    => [...],
            'validators' => [...],
            'placeholder'=> 'user_editprofile_firstname', // string I want to translate

I initialized Zend_Translate so it should translate my forms by default. This works fine with labels. However, the placeholder gets used as it is, without being translated.

How can I translate the placeholder strings?


  • You can access the the translate helper like this

    'placeholder'=> $this->getView()->translate('user_editprofile_firstname),

    btw. the plceholder attribute is not a substitution for the label.

    From the spec:

    The placeholder attribute should not be used as an alternative to a label.