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Are there any other queues in the standard library?

I want to queue

lambda : Popen(.....)

To call/wait at a later time. Then add some more to paused Popens to the queue, then consume them again and so on.

The main Queue module cares a lot about synchronization and this makes the api feel a bit weird in places. I don't care about syncing(single threaded program, Popen just do their job and throw exception on error and they don't affect the environment in any important ways(they generate files)

Should I just use a generator that I add to it at a later time. If so whats a good way to add items to generators, calling

gena = itertools.chain(gena,[item))

each time seems wastefull.


  • Yes, you can use a deque (collections.deque), which is a list that you can efficiently push and pop on either end. You could also use a list and not worry about the inefficiency since it probably doesn't matter.