I am calling one stored procedure using the following code:
m_objCmd.CommandText = "StoredProc_Name"
m_objCmd.Parameters.Append m_objCmd.CreateParameter("@UserID", 3, 1, 0, UserID)
m_objCmd.Parameters.Append m_objCmd.CreateParameter("@UserTypeID", 3, 1, 0, UserTypeID)
m_objCmd.Parameters.Append m_objCmd.CreateParameter("@AccessToken", 202, 1, 100, AccessToken)
m_objCmd.Parameters.Append m_objCmd.CreateParameter("@TokenExpiration", 135, 1, 0, TokenExpiration)
m_objCmd.Parameters.Append m_objCmd.CreateParameter("@RefreshToken", 202, 1, 100, RefreshToken)
rsUserData.Open m_objCmd, , adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
In above:
is a 'int' dataType@UserTypeID
is 'int'@AccessToken
is nVarchar(100)@TokenExpiration
is datatime(2)@RefreshToken
is nVarchar(100)But here I am getting the error:
Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation.
Can any one help me please.
I had this same problem just a few days ago. My problem was overflow as Kul-Tigin suggests below.
I was trying to insert a huge string 17,000+ characters in length and I received exactly the same error as you. I then opted to save the string in a text file and I used the table as a file locator so-to-speak.
Check the length of the values in the following: