I'd like to use convert_uudecode function, but encoded string contains a quotation mark ( " ) and also an apostrophe ( ' )
I can't just do it like this:
print convert_uudecode("M:'1T<#HO+V1N87=R;W0N;F%Z=V$N<&PO;&EC96YC97,O8F5S="UD96%L'0` ` ");
cos as you can see there is already a quotation mark.
I also cant do it this way:
print convert_uudecode('M:'1T<#HO+V1N87=R;W0N;F%Z=V$N<&PO;&EC96YC97,O8F5S="UD96%L'0` ` ');
becouse rendered string also contains an apostrophe.
Any help? Regards, David
Exchange each Apostrophe ' inside the string with '
and for each Quotation mark " you need to use "
An another alternative is to replace the " with \" and ' with \'
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Hexadecimal value, Entity encoding etc