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Using optgroup in sfWidgetFormPropelChoice since the values of a column

I'm in a project that uses Symfony 1.2 (I know this is quite old, but I can't do anything about this).

I have a sfWidgetFormPropelChoice widget which feed its options from a foreign key than exists say in table A. I would like to group that foreign key since another column in table A, with the optgroup HTML element.

So I have something like that:

$this->widgetSchema['B_has_A_list'] = new sfWidgetFormPropelChoiceMany(array(
   'model' => 'TableA',

And I would like to have something that easy:

$this->widgetSchema['B_has_A_list'] = new sfWidgetFormPropelChoiceMany(array(
   'model' => 'TableA',
   'optgroup' => 'ColumnInTableA', //That's not possible. It would group options grouping by ColumnInTableA using the optgroup HTML element

Do you know another easy way to achieve this. Or do you know any extended sfWidgetFormPropelChoice that achieve this?

Thank you.


  • Ok, I extended the symfony widget to achieve this. If anybody is interesed, it's in github:

    To use you have to define the same required options than sfWidgetFormPropelChoice plus a optgroup_columnoption with the PhpName of the column you want to use as the optgroups.


    $this->widgetSchema['field'] = new sfWidgetFormPropelChoiceOptgroup(array(
        'model' => 'Table',
        'optgroup_column' => 'Column',

    I added as well a version for Doctrine.