I need to write a .htaccess rewrite command to make a certain URL behave like another.
A forum module I have installed over ExpressionEngine will not work unless the forum is situated on the first segment of the URL.
So I need to make: www.example.com/members/forum/
behave like: www.example.com/forum/
Change your Forum URL to /members/forum
and run the forum thru regular templates — no mod_rewrite
rules needed.
Follow these detailed instructions:
template, put the following code: {exp:forum}
Forum Forum Board Short Name:
Forum URL:http://example.com/index.php/members/forum
Forum Triggering Word:<empty>
At this point, your forum will then be run inside the regular EE templating engine.
The forum is then accessed through whichever template you created above — the template name used in place of the "trigger" word:
Your links will then be written out using the Forum URL specified in the Control Panel.