I am working on converting a template toolkit project in Perl to PHP with Smarty. However I have been trying to find the equivalent of [% IF loop.index % 2 %]
within a foreach loop for Smarty. I appreciate the answers.
If you're simply looking to alternate a display by even/odd in Smarty, which I assume from the '%' modulus operator (though I'm not familiar with Perl):
{* Smarty template code *}
{foreach from=$myArray item=foo}
<tr class="{cycle values="row_even, row_odd"}"><td>{$foo}</td></tr>
Alternatively, if you really care about the index value of an array variable ...
{* Smarty template code *}
{foreach from=$myArray key=k item=v}
{if $k % 2}<li>odd</li>{else}even{/if}