In any Mathematica chart or plot how can I show % values on the y axis?
I may have data like this:
data = {{{2010, 8, 3}, 0.}, {{2010, 8, 31}, -0.052208}, {{2010, 9, 30},
0.008221}, {{2010, 10, 29}, 0.133203}, {{2010, 11, 30},
0.044557}, {{2010, 12, 31}, 0.164891}, {{2011, 1, 31},
0.055141}, {{2011, 2, 28}, 0.114801}, {{2011, 3, 31},
0.170501}, {{2011, 4, 29}, 0.347566}, {{2011, 5, 31},
0.461358}, {{2011, 6, 30}, 0.244649}, {{2011, 7, 29},
0.41939}, {{2011, 8, 31}, 0.589874}, {{2011, 9, 30},
0.444151}, {{2011, 10, 31}, 0.549095}, {{2011, 11, 30}, 0.539669}};
I just want the y axis to range from 0% to 60% instead of 0.0 to 0.6.
Use FrameTicks -> {{left, right},{bottom, up}}
FrameTicks -> {{{{0.0, "0%"}, {0.1, "10%"}, {0.2, "20%"},
{0.3, "30%"}, {0.4, "40%"}, {0.5, "50%"},
{0.6, "60%"}}, None},
{Automatic, None}}]
The table for FrameTicks
can be generated, e.g.,
Table[{k/10., ToString@(10 k) <> "%"}, {k, 6}]
(* Out[10] := {{0.1, "10%"}, {0.2, "20%"}, {0.3, "30%"}, {0.4, "40%"}, {0.5, "50%"}, {0.6, "60%"}} *)
If you need to make a lot of figures there is LevelScheme, a free package that makes producing good plots in Mathematica much easier, especially when it comes to tick marks.
EDIT: As per Jagra's suggestion here is a function that makes a tick specification list based on the data set and with desired tick steps. Assumptions are that the data structure is the always the same.
ticks[step_, data_] := {{Table[{k, ToString@IntegerPart@(100 k) <> "%"},
Floor[Min@data[[All, 2]], step],
Ceiling[Max@data[[All, 2]], step],
step}], None},
{Automatic, None}};
Now you can define a plotting function
plot = DateListPlot[#, FrameTicks -> ticks[.1, #]] &
and use it like this plot@data
Finally, since your question specifies any Mathematica plot, remember that FrameTicks
works only on framed plots, for other plots use Ticks -> {{x ticks},{y ticks}}