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ipad UIImagePickerController videoQuality

I am trying to set the video quality for the UIImagePickerController but I see something really werid now. The effect on the video quality only happen after I reset my application. I try to change the video quality based on some user setting, by some code like this:

    if ([preferences boolForKey:kVideoQuality]) {
        NSLog(@"High Quality");
        self.pickerController.videoQuality = UIImagePickerControllerQualityTypeHigh;
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Low Quality");
        self.pickerController.videoQuality = UIImagePickerControllerQualityTypeMedium;

    NSLog(@"%d", self.pickerController.videoQuality);

Everything looks good, when I change the setting to High Quality, the "High Quality" is output and vice versa. I also double check by the last NSLog and it aslo output the correct quality. But if I am in the high quality mode and I set to low quality, nothing happens. If I reset the app by quitting it and going back, the video record now is in low quality mode.

Anybody knows what can be possible causes?


  • It turns out to be a bug of the iOS SDK, it is fixed in the iOS 5 now.