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A Rails project from multiple Git repositories

Is it possible to have a Rails application from multiple Git repositories? At the moment I have a main application with all my code and I manually copy paste code into it from other repositories. The other repositories are right now: A repository for my fork of Twitter Bootstrap and a repository for CSS/HTML/Javascript (frontend) code. The frontend repository is used to create a lot of tests, mainly for mobile safari. It has no database support and is only there to create and manage the frontend for my application.

I would like a setup like so:

  • Repository for my Bootstrap fork (added styles, scss and coffeescript)
  • Repository for my views (html, custom css/javascript, tests for various browsers and platforms, no active record support and hardly any models)
  • Repository for my everything else

I wish to keep these seperated repositories. Or have one with all my code but keep the seperate repositories as well.


  • You'd better use git submodules, much cleaner and far less complicated.