I have an application that sets a rtsp stream of a song. When I push the "play" button on the application, the music starts playing. Then, when I push the "pause" button, the music is paused.
However, while the music is paused, if I receive a phone call, answer it, and then finish the call, the paused music AUTOMATICALLY restarts to play!! I DON'T want that to happen (because the user left the music paused)! I want the music to remain paused.
How do I fix this? I guess it's an Android problem!
PS: Just as a note, the oppose situation works fine, that is, if I receive a call while a music is being played, the Android does the right thing: it pauses the music for me to answer the call and, after the call is finished, the music starts to play again from where it was.
Your app has an implementation of PhoneStateListener somewhere that pauses the music when a call begins and restarts it when the call ends. You need to save the current state of the music (paused or playing) when a call begins and when the call ends, only start playing the music if it was playing when the call started. It's difficult to be more specific without your code but this question has an example implementation.