Design a Text Input by using components in flash and its InstanceName is listChat. In that text input I added a text by Dynamically. While I am adding text it displays with null.
For Example I added "apple" it Displays like nullapple
How to remove that null?
You can use the String's replace
If you want to remove only the first encounter of 'null' you can use this:
listChat.text = listChat.text.replace("null", "");
If you want to remove all encounters of 'null' this will do it:
var stripNullPattern:RegExp = /null/gi;
listChat.text = listChat.text.replace(stripNullPattern, "");
If you only want to remove null if it's in the first four characters use something like this:
if(listChat.text.substring(0, 4) == "null")
listChat.text = listChat.text.replace("null", "");
Check the AS3 reference for more info: