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Android charts: achartengine or AndroidPlot?

I want to develop an activity to display sensor data in a plot. I've been looking around and I have found that the more interesting options for me are achartengine and AndroidPlot.

I need the following requirements:

  1. Line plot with 3 or more series
  2. Dynamic plots
  3. Integration with a layout with other GUI
  4. Integration with database

I think that both libraries are ok with my requirements, but could someone tell me from his experience which one is better? Which one is easier to integrate with an app?


  • I haven't look at AChartEngine but have used AndroidPlot and can relay my experience here.

    I've successfully had multiple lines on my chart being updated in realtime (Req 1&2) and this chart has been embedded inside of another control (Req 3).

    For Req 4, I haven't worked with a db but my guess is that you would have to write the code to do the query and update the chart yourself.