Every time I experiment with a new language, compiler, interpreter, tool, or whatever, and I want to run that from the command line, I would have to go to System and change my PATH variable. However, the box to put the monster string in consists of only a 1-line text box. I frequently find myself having to copy/paste the PATH string into Notepad just to edit it -- It's already over half a page. Right now I've counted about 30 different path URL's.
Is there a better way to manage paths than to squeeze all of them into one string? I'm thinking of using SUSE for development since my PATH is so messed up.
If you always start the command line from one or a few shortcuts, you can run a batch file when it starts. For example:
cmd /k autoexec_console.cmd
where the batch file could have
set path=c:\foo;%path%
or anything else, and this would persist only for that cmd.exe instance.
XP's Service Pack 2 Support tools (looks like there's one for SP3, but it doesn't say what's in it) comes with a program setx.exe
that works like a permanent set