I've inserted the given context free grammar into the database using assert(....) If the grammar is something like
This grammar is inserted into the database. I have to write a dcg to generate sentences for the cfg in the database. For example if i define the dcg in this way myDcg('S',str), the 'S'(non terminal) should be called or substituted by aSb or c|d or so.
The problem is how can i call/substitute 'S' by facts from the database each time a non terminal('S') is encountered to generate sentences.
Hope you understood my question, if not i will try to edit the question.
Below(Sample code) is what i wanted to do exactly This is not dcg.
myGrammar([], []):-!.
myGrammar([T|Rest], [T|Sentence]):-
myGrammar(Rest, Sentence).
myGrammar([NT|Rest], Sentence):-
grammar(NT, Rest1),
append(Rest1,Rest, NewRest),
myGrammar(NewRest, Sentence).
Whenever a terminal is encountered it should be printed out and when a non terminal is encountered it will backtrack.
In your predicate mygrammar/2
there is a list of non-terminals and terminals in the first argument and a list of terminals in the second. It should probably succeed if the second argument is of the form of the first. So what you have here essentially is a meta interpreter for DCGs. A few suggestions:
Your tokenizer produces currently [grammar('S',[a,'S',b]),grammar('S',[....]),..].
Let it produce [grammar('S',[t(a),nt('S'),t(b)]),grammar('S',[....]),..]
instead. In this manner it's evident what is a terminal and what is a non-terminal. And, oh, remove that !.
myGrammar([], []).
myGrammar([t(T)|Rest], [T|Sentence]):-
myGrammar(Rest, Sentence).
myGrammar([nt(NT)|Rest], Sentence):-
grammar(NT, Rest1),
append(Rest1,Rest, NewRest),
myGrammar(NewRest, Sentence).
DCGs, btw are a bit more general than this interpreter.
The actual classification between non-terminals and terminals has to be done by the tokenizer.
uppercasecode(C) :-
lowercasecode(C) :-
If you are using chars (one-character atoms), you will use char_code(Char, Code)
to convert between them.
Full Unicode support is still in its infancy. Its very tricky because of all those special cases for characters like Ⓐ which is upper case but still cannot be part of an identifier. But here is how you can do it in SWI currently.
uppercasecode(C) :-
lowercasecode(C) :-
\+ '$code_class'(C,upper).
Update: In the meantime, there is char_type/2
and code_type/2
for this purpose.
uppercasecode(C) :-
code_class(C, upper),
code_class(C, prolog_var_start).