I have tried a variety of websites for how to get Google Chrome Browser Source Code: http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/get-the-code
Is there a good, (a bit clearer), video or article on how to simply download the Google Chrome code, and be able to totally edit it, on my computer, without all the depot tools etc?
What is the need for the depot_tools and/or cygwin etc?
If you want to to get it, try this link (warning: it's a 256 MB file).
This is an archive that you can extract once it's on your computer (use e.g. tar or 7zip or some other decompression software).
What is the need for the depot_tools and/or cygwin etc?
These tools will allow you to keep the source code on your computer up to date without downloading a full 256 MB file every time. This is helpful because many open source projects are updated very frequently, and you don't want to download 256 MB every day (or hour) when it's really only (relatively) small changes you need to get.
The main Chromium project is located at https://www.chromium.org/.
The source code is available at https://chromium.googlesource.com/ and can be searched at https://cs.chromium.org/.
Instructions for contributing can be found at https://www.chromium.org/developers.