I am using ZipOutputStream
to get files from db, compress to zip and download (zip file around 400mb
During this, my app pool memory is going up to 1.4gb
and after download is complete, its coming down to 1gb
when it should come back to like 100 mb
or something.
There are only like 10 users using this app and only 1 user using this particular page.
i am calling the dispose method. I aslo tried explictly calling GC.Collect
but still no use.
Am i missing anything here?
Thanks in advance.
Dim zipStream = New ZipOutputStream(HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream)
For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
Dim docName As String = ""
strImgID = dr("image_id")
If Not IsDBNull(dr("loan_number")) Then iLoanID = dr("loan_number")
If Not IsDBNull(dr("document_name")) Then docName = dr("document_name")
Dim ext As String = dr("image_type_extension")
Dim strFinalFileName As String = ""
strFinalFileName = docName & "_" & iLoanID & ext
Dim b As Byte() = dr("image_binary")
Dim fileEntry = New ZipEntry(Path.GetFileName(strFinalFileName))
zipStream.Write(b, 0, b.Length)
Catch ex As Exception
LogError(ex, iLoanID & "," & strImgID)
AddError(sb, ex, iLoanID & "," & strImgID)
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
You need to chunk data into the stream rather than allocate all at once.
E.g. (in c#)
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
FileStream readFs = File.OpenRead(strFile);
for (int rnt = readFs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
rnt > 0;
rnt = readFs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length))
zipoutputstream.Write(buffer, 0, rnt);
I think this will help with your memory issue. Please comment back if not..