I am using VisualSVN and Visual Studio 2010 and have recently installed the latest TortoiseSVN (TortoiseSVN 1.7.1, Build 22161 - 64 Bit , 2011/10/21 22:51:59). I tried to commit my changes but get:
No files were changed or added since the last commit ...
This is not true. Is there anything I can do about that?
VisualSVN will indicate that you're in a working copy checked out from Subversion by placing green ticks beside unchanged files in the Solution Explorer. If you don't see them, something is wrong.
Be sure that you have version 1.7 or later of both VisualSVN and Tortoise. The file format changed between version 1.6 and 1.7; you'll also need to upgrade the working copy on disk by right-clicking on the working folder in Windows Explorer.
If you are working in a working copy --
Make sure you've actually saved the changes (i.e. Visual Studio doesn't have a "*" next to the filename in the tab, and the icon next to the file in the Solution Explorer is a red box rather than a red tick
If you've created new files, make sure you choose "Add" (right-click in Visual Studio, choose Subversion | Add) so Subversion knows to control that file