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Identifying registration ids from push notification servers

I am setting up a server to send out Push Notifications to the various mobile platforms. Was wondering if it is possible to check the status of a push notification for Android's C2DM as well as for Windows Phone 7 MPNS? And also if it will retry to push if it fails?

How does the server identify the different platforms/device by? I know Apple has a 32 byte hexadecimal string in its token.

And lastly, what is the maximum message payload for Windows? There are 2 answers I heard and that it's unlimited or 1KB for header plus another 3KB for body. I'm confused.

1) Unlimited payload showing in this link

2) And 1KB + 3KB over here

Your reply is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Hend


  • Finally found out how to identify platform through the device token.

    Anyway, using Manic Network to help in pushing the notifications. Great product.