I am using Zend Router in my project and the rule is like this;
<projects type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex">
When i go below url;
All the urls exist on this page are replaced with above url.For example, there is a link in this page for sending message to project owner.When i hover on that link, i see that url is as defined above.Message sending url is created like this;
<a href="<?=$this->baseUrl()?>/misc/sendmessage">Send Message</a>
As you can see above, i am using url helper and the content of baseUrl is simply gets keyword called "baseUrl" from appliation.ini file.
Have you ever faced a problem like this?
Thanks in advance
KR Hüseyin
I added "<route>default</route>
" to all pages in navigation.This default route must be added to navigation xml for each page.The problem is fixed
Current navigation.xml:
Updated navigation xml: