Some API returns me XmlCursor pointing on root of XML Document. I need to insert all of this into another org.w3c.DOM represented document.
At start:
XmlCursor poiting on
<a> <b> some text </b> </a>
DOM Document:
At the end I want to have original DOM document changed like this:
<a> <b> some text </b> </a>
NOTE: document.importNode(cursor.getDomNode())
doesn't work - Exception is thrown: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: The implementation does not support the requested type of object or operation.
Try something like this:
Node originalNode = cursor.getDomNode();
Node importNode = document.importNode(originalNode.getFirstChild());
Node otherNode = document.createElement("someOtherInsertedElement");
So in other words:
The reason to import is that a node always "belongs" to a given DOMDocument. Just adding the original node would cause exceptions.