I create a new Control and overided the OnPaint event:
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
_ammo = PitControl.Ammo;
var AmmoSize = g.MeasureString(_ammo.ToString(), Properties.Settings.Default.AmmoFont).ToSize();
g.DrawString(_ammo.ToString(), Properties.Settings.Default.AmmoFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, Ammo.Location.X - 1, Ammo.Location.Y + Ammo.Height / 2 - AmmoSize.Height / 2 + 1);
Rectangle DrawAmmo = new Rectangle(this.Width - Ammo.Height - _margin, Ammo.Location.Y, Ammo.Height, Ammo.Height);
for (int i = _ammo; i > 0; i--)
if (i % 2 == 0)
g.DrawLine(_ammoPen, Ammo.Location.X + Ammo.Width - i - 1, Ammo.Location.Y + 3, Ammo.Location.X + Ammo.Width - i - 1, Ammo.Location.Y + Ammo.Height - 3);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Orange, Ammo);
g.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.ammunition, DrawAmmo.Location.X, DrawAmmo.Location.Y, DrawAmmo.Height, DrawAmmo.Height);
The problem is when i'm changing the Ammo then all the control flicks.
It doesn't look good.
Anyway to make the lines that i draw on this line:
g.DrawLine(_ammoPen, Ammo.Location.X + Ammo.Width - i - 1, Ammo.Location.Y + 3, Ammo.Location.X + Ammo.Width - i - 1, Ammo.Location.Y + Ammo.Height - 3);
Just disapeare when ammo is changing ?
One quick thing you can check.
For the form, not the control, set the DoubleBuffered
property to true
That should remove the flickering, but Windows.Forms is not very good to use for games in general, so don't expect and great frame rates.