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Updating many item using same id in grails

I am saving values in two tables asset and asset_history.On creating asset i am saving values in asset table if any update i wantthat time it as to store in asset and asset_history on id bases . Now i want to get two tables value in edit page for getting asset_history i used sql query to get values in asset_history.all are working well and fine but it is coming in array list values(all update list is showing in single row).when i updata values in edit page it should save and show in different rows in asset_history. for that i used for loop but it not getting values.

asset table i have these fields :-


In asset_history field:-


If any update in asset field.The update list should save in both asset and asset_history.I have used a query to update(as shown below). But it is getting arraylist in asset_history table.

edit action

    def dataSource
def edit={
    def assetInstance = Asset.get(
        if (!assetInstance) { 

            flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'asset.label', default: 'Asset'),])}"
            redirect(action: "list")
        else {  Sql sql = new Sql(dataSource) 
             def result = sql.rows("SELECT * from asset_history where id ='""' ")
            //def n=result

            /*  def arr = (String[])result
                        for(i in 0 .. result.size()-1)

            return [assetInstance: assetInstance,result:i]
                   return [assetInstance: assetInstance,result: result]


In edit.gsp







In asset_history table the values are getting in arraylist and showing updated list in single row.But i want show it in separate row ,when i update each time.I used for-loop for this but it is not working.Please guide me to solve this problem.


  • Your problem is that you can only return one value from a function in Groovy (and in all other languages I know anyway). So the first iteration in your for loop returns and the following iterations (where you expect to return more instances) are not executed.

    You must return a list and use a <g:each> tag in your GSP file (which is the equivalent to a for loop in GSP):

    def edit = {
      def assetInstance = Asset.get(
      if (!assetInstance) {
        flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'asset.label', default: 'Asset'),])}"
        redirect(action: "list")
      Sql sql = new Sql(dataSource) 
      def results = sql.rows("SELECT * from asset_history where id ='" + + "' ")
      return [results: results]

    And your GSP:

      <g:each var="result" in="${result}">

    As a bonus, here are a few tips that will make your application look better:

    • Don't return values if you don't use them in your GSP, like assertInstance here
    • Avoid using SQL and prefer relying on Grails built-in access methods (findBy) or Hibernate Criteria if your assert history are Grails domain objects. This will give you Grails objects backs instead of raw SQL rows
    • Indent your code correctly for readability. Chances are that your IDE have a feature that can do that for you.