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Auto-incrementing IDs for Class Instances

Disclaimer: This is for a semester project that I am currently working on. My question is regarding an implementation level detail and is not part of the grading scheme. I am only writing this code as a way to test the theory that I am proposing for the paper that I will write.

Also, I have considered the answers for this question with little luck, so please do not consider this as a duplicate of that question

The Problem:

I have a graph (G=(V,E)). At some point in my algorithm, I need to turn this into a hypergraph (in a sense) by "collapsing" multiple nodes (say, v_1, v_2, ..., v_n) into one node (say, v). In the context of the problem, this implies that I need to change the edges in E such that any edge e between any of v_1, v_2, v_n and any other node u in V will be changed such that e is now between u and v.

In order to capture that there may now exist multiple distinct edges between any pair of nodes, I need to make a unique identifier for each edge. I have tried to do this by means of and ID, which I am currently unable to properly implement.

This is what I've tried:

class Edge:
    _ID = 0
    def __init__(self, u, v, w, c,f=0): = Edge._ID 
        Edge._ID += 1
        self.src = u
        self.dest = v
        self.weight = w
        self.capacity = c
        self.flow = f

However, when I try to instantiate a new edge, I get the following error:

>>> e = Edge(1,3,5,10,0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 14, in __init__ = Edge._ID; Edge._ID += 1
UnboundLocalError: local variable '_ID' referenced before assignment


With the suggestions of some answers, I have been able to fix the instantiation-time error. However, another error persists. Here is my code and the errors:

class Edge:
    _ID = 0
    def __init__(self, u, v, w, c,f=0): = self._ID; self._ID += 1
        self.src = u
        self.dest = v
        self.weight = w
        self.capacity = c
        self.flow = f


>>> e = Edge(1,3,5,10,0)
>>> Edge._ID

>>> f = Edge(2,3,5,10,0)
>>> Edge._ID

I'd appreciate any help

Thank you


  • You can still use self to get at the _ID. = self._ID 
    self.__class__._ID += 1

    If you're using CPython, you can have a lazy man's ID:

    class Edge(object):
        def id(self): return id(self)