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Flood filling C++

I have a problem with implementation of flood filling.
The task is to ask user to click on the white part of the image (indicating seed point), he want to fill with black.
The operation should be done on the binary images.
I'm using CImg library.
I can't use recursive algorithm.
I've came up with something but it is not working properly (the gap becomes black only in the seed point). I am not familiar with the queues at all, so maybe the problem is in their implementaion.

void floodfill(int x, int y, int c, int b, CImg <unsigned char>image)
    CImg<unsigned char> kopia(image.width(),image.height());

    for (int p=1; p<image.height()-1; p++)
        for (int q=1; q<image.width()-1; q++)
            kopia(p,q)=255; //setting kopia2 all white

    queue <pair<int,int> > a;
    int p;
    if(image(x, y) == c)
        cout<<"Already black"<<endl;
        a.push(make_pair(x, y));
            p=image(x+1, y);
            if((p == b) && (x < image.width()))
                a.push(make_pair(x+1, y));
                kopia(x+1, y)=c;
                image(x+1, y)=c;
            p = image(x-1, y);
            if((p == c) && (x > 0))
                a.push(make_pair(x-1, y));
                kopia(x-1, y)=c;
                image(x-1, y)=c;
            p=image(x, y+1);
            if((p == b) && (y < image.height()))
                a.push(make_pair(x, y+1));
                kopia(x, y+1)=c;
                image(x, y+1)=c;
            p=image(x, y-1);
            if((p == b) && (y > 0))
                a.push(make_pair(x, y-1));
                kopia(x, y-1)=c;
                image(x, y-1)=c;

void hole (CImg <unsigned char>image)
    CImgDisplay image_disp(image,"Click a point");

    int c_x=0; //coordinates
    int c_y=0;

    while (!image_disp.is_closed())
        if (image_disp.button())
            c_x=image_disp.mouse_x();  //reads coordinates indicated by user

    floodfill(c_x, c_y,0,255,image);


  • 1)

            x = a.front().first; //fixed as per ChristianRau's code
            y = a.front().second; //fixed as per ChristianRau's code

    You just popped the current x,y coordinates off the stack without looking at what they were.


            p = image(x-1, y);
            if((p == c) && (x > 0))

    Did you mean to check if it was white, like you did with the other directions?

    3) The caller passes in black and white, what happens if part of the image is blue? Better would be to pass in the filling color (black), and wherever you have white, replace that with not-black.