I realized that my version of getting the correct baseaddress
was wrong
Process[] iexp = Process.GetProcessesByName("Solitaire");
if (iexp.Length == 0) {
Process internet = iexp[0];
uint baseAddress = (uint)internet.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt64();
but the baseaddress
is wrong
I also looked in MSDN but this code is very strange and gives me an infinite loop.
I hope you can help me because I can't find any example.
ReadProcessMemory(readHandle, ((IntPtr)(((baseAddress) + 0x14) + 0x50)), bytes, (UIntPtr)4, ref rw);
Here i made an image of my desktop. Im realy confused, maybe someone knows where i made a mistake. https://i.sstatic.net/50lva.jpg
If you want what I think you want, I can only think of a few ways to do it, none of them are .NET built-in though...
Use P/Invoke to return the base address of the startup executable.
public static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle(string lpModuleName);
Returns the base address of the executable containing MyClass
Return a handle to the current module using: