How can I set the selected value to a select1 in xforms without using the instance?
For example, i have this instance:
<sEmpleado_Nm xsi:type="xs:string"></sEmpleado_Nm>
<iCargo_Id xsi:type="xs:int"></iCargo_Id>
<iProfesion_Id xsi:type="xs:int"></iProfesion_Id>
<iHorario_Id xsi:type="xs:int"></iHorario_Id>
and I want to make this select1 to take a default value:
<xf:select1 ref="iHorario_Id">
<!--This is the default item I Want to be selected-->
<xf:label>Select a schedule...</xf:label>
<!--End Here-->
<xf:label>Schedule 1</xf:label>
but when I validate the xforms I want that if that item is selected, the xform don't submit, but if any other item is selected, it submit normally, Ive tryed with <xf:bind
but I don't know how to put a minvalue or something like that to that element
is the right direction; you just need to put a constraint on the iHorario_Id
<xf:bind nodeset="iHorario_Id" constraint=". gt 0" />
This makes iHorario_Id
valid only if its value is greater than 0. So, you could set the initial value of iHorario_Id
to 0 to prevent any submission until a schedule is selected.