I'm trying to implement hough transform for lines in matlab. And I have been struggling with this for days, I don't know why my code isn't working the way it should. Yes, it is part of the homework, but please help me out, because I totally gave up.
Input paramaters: Ie - logical "edge" image (0 means not an edge, 1 means edge).
function [out_ro, out_theta]=houghTransform(Ie,nBinsRo,nBinsTheta,tresh)
A = zeros(nBinsRo, nBinsTheta);
theta = 1:nBinsTheta;
theta = scale(theta, nBinsTheta, 1, (pi / 2), - (pi / 2));
D = size(diag(Ie));
D = D(1);
ro = 1:nBinsRo;
ro = scale(ro, nBinsRo, 1, D, -D);
len = size(Ie);
%checks all edges
for i = 1:len(1)
for j = 1:len(2)
%if it is an edge
if ((Ie(i,j) == 1))
%generate all functions x cos(theta) + y sin(theta) = ro
for m=1:nBinsTheta
roVal = i * cos(theta(m)) + j * sin(theta(m));
idx = scale2(roVal, D, -D, nBinsRo, 1);
if (idx > 0 && idx < nBinsRo)
A(idx, m) = A(idx, m) + 1;
% -------------------------------------------------- %
function idx = scale(val, max_val_in, min_val_in, max_val_out, min_val_out)
skalirni_faktor = (max_val_out - min_val_out) / (max_val_in - min_val_in) ;
idx = min_val_out + (val-min_val_in) .* skalirni_faktor;
% -------------------------------------------------- %
function idx = scale2(val, max_val_in, min_val_in, max_val_out, min_val_out)
skalirni_faktor = (max_val_out - min_val_out) / (max_val_in - min_val_in) ;
idx = min_val_out + round((val-min_val_in) .* skalirni_faktor);
Thank you very much for your time and answers.
I couldn't find what was wrong with the code, but I assume that scaling is problematic.
If anyone finds this, here is another implementation of hough transform.
function [rho,theta,houghSpace] = houghTransform(theImage,thetaSampleFrequency)
%#Define the hough space
theImage = flipud(theImage);
[width,height] = size(theImage);
rhoLimit = norm([width height]);
rho = (-rhoLimit:1:rhoLimit);
theta = (0:thetaSampleFrequency:pi);
numThetas = numel(theta);
houghSpace = zeros(numel(rho),numThetas);
%#Find the "edge" pixels
[xIndicies,yIndicies] = find(theImage);
%#Preallocate space for the accumulator array
numEdgePixels = numel(xIndicies);
accumulator = zeros(numEdgePixels,numThetas);
%#Preallocate cosine and sine calculations to increase speed. In
%#addition to precallculating sine and cosine we are also multiplying
%#them by the proper pixel weights such that the rows will be indexed by
%#the pixel number and the columns will be indexed by the thetas.
%#Example: cosine(3,:) is 2*cosine(0 to pi)
%# cosine(:,1) is (0 to width of image)*cosine(0)
cosine = (0:width-1)'*cos(theta); %#Matrix Outerproduct
sine = (0:height-1)'*sin(theta); %#Matrix Outerproduct
accumulator((1:numEdgePixels),:) = cosine(xIndicies,:) + sine(yIndicies,:);
%#Scan over the thetas and bin the rhos
for i = (1:numThetas)
houghSpace(:,i) = hist(accumulator(:,i),rho);
shading flat;
title('Hough Transform');
xlabel('Theta (radians)');
ylabel('Rho (pixels)');