I would like to register a custom utility / module within YUI3 that is passed one or more custom node(s) and that can be called like this (without having to instantiate it):
YUI().use('myCustomModule', function (Y) {
jQuery offers a similar functionality.
I know that a custom module in YUI3 is defined like this:
YUI.add('myCustomModule', function(Y) {
// my Code here
}, '0.1', {
requires : ['node']
But what I don't understand is how to setup my custom module, so that I can call it like described. Do I have to extend Plugin / Widget class or use Y.Namespace() to get this to work? (see http://www.slideshare.net/caridy/building-yui-3-custom-modules )
You may want to try this:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.4.1/build/yui/yui-min.js"></script>
YUI.add('joiz', function(Y) {
function joizMagic(context, config) {
alert(config.name + ' says: "' + this.getContent() + '"');
// define a function that will run in the context of a
// Node instance:
Y.Node.addMethod("joizMagic", joizMagic);
// extend this functionality to NodeLists:
Y.NodeList.importMethod(Y.Node.prototype, "joizMagic");
}, '0.1.1' /* module version */, {
requires: ['node']
YUI().use('joiz', function (Y)
Y.all('.message').joizMagic({ name: 'Beatrice' });
<div class="message">Hello World!</div>
<div class="message">I'm still here!</div>