I have a LinkTable named: BlogsBlogPosts that relates two other tables named: Blogs and BlogPosts together, I want the link table to appear in the list of entities and There will be two one to many relationships defined on the linktable am I correct to define it like this?:
public class BlogsBlogPostConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<BlogsBlogPost>
public BlogsBlogPostConfiguration()
this.HasRequired(bb => bb.Blog)
.WithMany(b => b.BlogsBlogPosts)
.HasForeignKey(bb =>bb.BlogID);
this.HasRequired(bb => bb.BlogPost)
.WithMany(bp => bp.BlogsBlogPosts)
.HasForeignKey(bb => bb.BlogPostID);
Yes. The only question which remains for me is: What about the primary key property of BlogsBlogPost
? Two options:
You either have a distinct key property like public int BlogsBlogPostID { get; set; }
or public int ID { get; set; }
in this entity. In this case combinations of (BlogID
, BlogPostID
) don't have to be unique.
Or you have a composite key consisting of (BlogID
, BlogPostID
). You would have to mark this with the [Key]
annotation or define it in Fluent API:
this.HasKey(bbp => new { bbp.BlogID, bbp.BlogPostID });
Now combinations of (BlogID
, BlogPostID
) must be unique. This is more of a "many-to-many relationship with additional data in the link table" type of relationship.
Both models are possible. Which to use depends on your business needs.