I've got a class that looks like this:
public class GeneralStatusInfo
public List<string> List_BLNumber { get; set; }
public List<POInfo> List_PONumbers { get; set; }
public List<string> List_Pickup { get; set; }
public List<string> List_Origin { get; set; }
public List<string> List_Destination { get; set; }
public List<string> List_NotifyName { get; set; }
public List<AppmntInformation> List_Appointments { get; set; }
When I bind the data like this:
List<GeneralStatusInfo> statusBind = new List<GeneralStatusInfo>();
utGeneralStatusInfo.DataSource = statusBind;
It puts my parent nodes in a different order:
P/O Number
B/L Number
How do I reorder the nodes so they appear in the same order that I have them in my class?
You have to make your own IComparer. Something like this:
public class GeneralStatusInfoMemberOrderComparer: IComparer
public GeneralStatusInfoMemberOrderComparer()
memberOrdermemberOrder.Add("B/L Number",0);
memberOrdermemberOrder.Add("P/O Number",1);
/// add more items
private bool sortAlphabetically=false;
private Dictionary<string,int> memberOrder = new Dictionary<string,int>();
public bool SortAlphabetically
get{return sortAlphabetically;}
set{sortAlphabetically = value;}
int IComparer.Compare(object x, object y)
string propertyX = x as string;
string propertyY = y as string;
if (sortAlphabetically)
return propertyX.CompareTo(propertyY);
int orderX= memberOrder.ContainsKey(propertyX) ? memberOrder[propertyX] : -1;
int orderY= memberOrder.ContainsKey(propertyY) ? memberOrder[propertyY] : -1;
return orderX.CompareTo(orderY);
And then just set SortComparer property of your UltraTree instance:
ultraTree1.SortComparer = new GeneralStatusInfoMemberOrderComparer();