I'm trying to find a solution but all the time something is wrong. So what is my problem:
I have a function:
function fun1 (
p_param1 number) return sys_refcursor
c_result sys_refcursor;
open c_result for select e.username, c.contract_id from employees e
join contracts c on c.employee_id = e.employee_id;
return c_result;
end fun1;
I want to use this function inside my stored procedure:
procedure proc1 (...)
is ...
cur_contract sys_refcursor;
open cur_contract for fun1(p_param1);
fetch cur_contract into v_username, v_contract_id;
exit when cur_contract%notfound;
end loop;
close cur_contract;
end proc1;
And I get error: expression is of wrong type in line "open cur_contract for fun1(p_param1);"
What should I change to make my procedures work?
You've already opened the cursor in fun1. Try the following:
procedure proc1 (...)
cur_contract sys_refcursor;
cur_contract := fun1(p_param1);
fetch cur_contract into v_username, v_contract_id;
exit when cur_contract%notfound;
end loop;
close cur_contract;
end proc1;
I hope this helps.